Monthly Archives: September 2011

Day 95: Honor or On Her?

I have taken Bela’s comment to heart.
“…I sure understand when a person can’t keep it up.” Strong words from a concerned friend. And all the wiser for raising a difficult theme. E.D.

Educational Deficiencies. A national tragedy at the moment. And having recently returned from our nations Capital (The earnst-while, built by the sweat of slaves–Warshington, DC as it is ofttimes mispronounced, yet accurately described) wherein I was reminded of a pearl of wisdom passed on by my father regarding the leadership of America. One day sort of out of the blue he says,”…you know son, you don’t actually need a high school diploma to be a US Senator.” Strong words. And when I look a recent events (Tea Party Madness, votes on Climate Change) I think to myself…. apparently no need for education to be a Congressman either.

Well equal opportunity was always the strong suit in America. Equally naive, equally misinformed, equally manipulated, equally prideful but disproportionately consumptive of the raw materials, the natural surround and of the social emotional intelligence that graces most human interactions like cooperation, collaboration, communication, compassion. These are sorely missing in WARshington these days, as we denigrate into party infighting, class in fighting, information depravation and denial.

Salvation lies in our great American Goddess of Justice, Fairness and Hope, Lady Columbia, for whom the District of Columbia was named…. I say once you get honor, stay on her.

Day 94 or there abouts?

Well now, as fate would have it I became a blogger with no ethical backbone… one of the countless unfaithful who string others along in a fit of wimpy, writing when the opportunity presents itself, no longer caring of the fateful who watch with trepidation as another day passes un-bloggged, unattended, un-repentedly ignored by the smug social commentators of modernity who disgrace the very sanctity of sarcasm and desperation in an attempt to offer alternative reason to the masses.   OK.  Glad I got that off my chess.  My failure.  You know “Failure is where all the lessons are.”  “All of my lessons are in failure.”  So there you have it 94 days in and I blather two of my more obvious quotes…. or as I like to say, “… grandfather says…..” and so on and so on.  94 days into the blog and I’ve already spent more time ignoring my blogging responsibilities and less time lamenting the loss of free media in this country that I am surprised I haven’t fallen yet on my sword, like any self respecting respecter of seppuku and all things glaringly oriental, or at least ornamental.

Soon the Olohana Foundation will have it’s annual board meeting and all will be well in the little non profit community capacity building venture.  We pray for the best for the rest. At least that’s what it’s all about, or there a bouts.  The best for the rest and service for all our communities.  Give it away. give it away, give it away, it all comes back to you…… when you are ready, the lesson will appear, in the form of failure.  Fail well my friends.